Wood Wicks vs Cotton
If you’ve been browsing A Precious Flame inventory, you may have noticed that all of our candles automatically come with cotton wicks, However we will be switching to exclusively wood wicks. Although you can choose between standard cotton wicks or wooden wicks for several of our candles.
What’s the difference between the two? Is there a real difference? Which is better? Don’t worry— here’s your guide to choosing between cotton and wooden wicks.
What are standard cotton wicks?
Standard cotton wicks are exactly what they sound like: plain braided cotton wicks. Most cotton wicks are pre-coated with synthetic wax or beeswax to help them burn while maintaining their shape and quality.
Standard cotton wicks should be trimmed to 1/4” before burning.
What are the pros and cons of cotton wicks?
First, let’s discuss about the cons. Cotton wicks do tend to “mushroom”, which means carbon builds up on the wick and sometimes smokes while burning. This can cut through the smell of your candle and damage the scent experience, plus it just doesn’t look very pretty. Some people do prefer alternative wick materials for these reasons.
Now, let’s talk about the pros of standard cotton wicks. These wicks are usually very easy to light, meaning you can spend less time trying to get your candle to light and more time really enjoying the scent. Additionally, they’re very widely available.
For most candles, cotton wicks are the standard and won’t be hard to track down in the slightest. On the other hand, wooden wicks are a little more exclusive, and you might have to do some hunting to find a nice candle with a high-quality wooden wick. P.S. If you’re interested in comparing the two, we carry both here at A Precious Flame!
What are wooden wicks?
Wooden wicks are simply strips of wood design to be used as candle wicks. Though the wood wicks are made of varies widely, wooden wicks are typically made from balsa or oak. Other options offered by some candle makers include maple, balsa, and cherry.
The most defining characteristic of wooden wicks is the pleasant, relaxing crackling sound they make while lit. This crackling sound is caused by burning plant material naturally found within wooden wicks turning into a gas and trying to escape the wick. The expansion of the gas causes that crackling sound. I thought that was pretty cool!
Most wooden wicks need to be trimmed to between 1/8” and 3/16” each time before burning.
What are the pros and cons of wooden wicks?
Again, let’s talk about the pros first. Most importantly wooden wicks tend to burn and heat the candle’s wax a bit more evenly than cotton wicks. That means less chance of uneven burning with candles. There’s often less of a chance for “mushrooming” and black smoke when burning.
Another pro is the heavenly crackling sound wooden wicks make. It’s just so relaxing, and most people who buy candles with wooden wicks tend to do so for this reason alone.
My favorite pro of using wood wicks compared to cotton wicks, is the significant amount of burn time compared to cotton wicks. Meaning a candle with a wood wick will typically last considerably longer due to their slower, smoldering flame which consumes wax at a slower rate than a cotton wick.
Another pro of using wood wicks is the strong exquisite aroma it gives, Oh! and let's not forget about the aesthetics.
Now, let’s discuss the cons. Wooden wicks usually take a bit longer to light than standard cotton wicks because they’re thicker and denser. They’re also a bit more expensive because of the additional cost of materials.
Another drawback to wooden wicks is that they typically aren’t as easy to keep lit as cotton wicks. A breeze or sudden movement could potentially put out the flame of a wooden wick, so it’s best to burn them indoors and away from any commotion.
Whether you choose a candle with a standard cotton wick or a wooden wick is really up to you and your preferences. Have you tried a wooden wick in the past? Are you a die-hard cotton wick fan? Please share your experiences below— we’d love to hear from you!